Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Achtland Boutique, New Collection on its way!

 I have recently started selling Vintage Clothes and accessories on Asos Marketplace. I have had a passion for Vintage clothes since I was a little girl. I used to go to jumble sales with my mum and picked up some fantastic weird and wonderful items over the years. I love nothing better than to pickup unusual clothes and bags or anything different, one offs that no-one else will have and try to match the item to this seasons fashions. I used to buy old curtains and make them into dresses, suits, trousers etc. or just cut up old shirts, skirts to give them a modern twist! When I was younger used to I make clothes and sell them to friends. I also made and sold cot bedding quilts, pillows and baby mobiles when my children where little. My passion for clothes and fashion has always been in my heart and now it is my time to show you all what I love and see if you feel the same.

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